by Rayenne Scovil, Sabine Timol, Sailor Williams, Amanda Johnson, Riley McDonald, Kayley Johnson, Alexis Bell
When it comes to love, especially of the romantic sort, the ways humans express it and songs and poetry seems almost timeless.
I say someone in another time will remember us.
Sappho (Voigt 147)
630-570 BCE
Compare the ancient lyrics to a collection of lovesongs from present time. How do your favorite lovesongs measure up? Post suggestions in the comments below!
From Papyrus Chester Beatty I: A Cycle of Seven Stanzas
– Egypt 11th Century BCE
Beginning of the sayings of the great happiness (First Stanza)
. . .She looks like the rising morning star
At the start of a happy year.
Shining bright, fair of skin,
Lovely the look of her eyes,
Sweet the speech of her lips,
She has not a word too much. . .
Her legs parade her beauty;
With graceful step she treads the ground,
Captures my heart by her movements.
She causes all men’s necks
To turn about to see her;
Joy has he whom she embraces,
He is like the first of men! . . .
created for HUM 124 with Leslee Johnson
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