a celebration of multimodal composition in LANG 120, HUM 124, and FYS 178

Author: Leslee Johnson (Page 1 of 25)

Birds in Biblical Symbolism

by Logan Bradburn

for Flaum HUM124

Love and Growth in egyptian Love Poems & African Songs

by Sunshyne Shirley & Juniper Peltz

for Johnson HUM124

Can Animals Match Human Intelligence?

by Izzy Jones

for Perry LANG120

Mass Incarceration in the US

by Michael Messele

to view the entire Prezi on Mass Incarceration, click here.

for Perry LANG120

Either/Or: Make Your Choice

by Sam Crandall

for Even-Nur LANG120

Natya Shastra: the science of dance drama

by Phoebe Barinowski

for Johnson HUM124

Oy! With the Poodles Already! (A Gilmore Girls Podcast)

by Nadia Kessel

for Even-Nur LANG120

Ancient Stories, ReImagined: a gallery

Shey Clayborn, Mage Derossett, Nya Fernandez, Maitiu Gormley, Ben Hemphill, Susan Hudson, Josiah Szobody, Cole Wood

by Josiah & Ezra Szobody – artist statement

Rig Veda – Purusa Suktra by Mage Derossett – artist statement

by Ben Hemphill – artist statement on last slide

Gilgamesh Interviewed on the Ancient Mesopotamian Battle Network, by Cole Wood – artist statement.

Genesis 1-2 Retold to “Saturn” by Sleeping At Last by Shey Clayborn – sources and artist statement

by Nya Fernandez

Nature & Civilization in the Mesopotamian Upside Down by Maitiu Gormley – artist statement

We are reminded of the unrelenting exploitation and devastation of our own world’s priceless ecosystems as Gilgamesh and Enkidu set out on their expedition to face Humbaba, the Cedar Forest’s protector. Through my multimodal artwork, I make connections between the two settings and situations through the connection of themes of loss, desolation, and change.

How the World Was Made (Cherokee) by Susan Hudson – artist statement included

for Johnson HUM124

The Importance of Coral Reefs

by Lauren Principato

for Shepard LANG120

5 Tips to Writing Chemistry Research Papers

by Savanna Freeman

for Shepard LANG120