a celebration of multimodal composition in LANG 120, HUM 124, and FYS 178

Category: FYS178 (Page 1 of 3)

Déjà Vu

by Ellis Venhuizen

for Pearson FYS178, to visit the storymap: https://arcg.is/1HuqqS1

Designing, Building, Playing, and Understanding a Guitar at the UNC-Asheville STEAM Studio 

by Wade Farley & Josiah Szobody

for King FYS178

Twilight: We all know it, we all. . . yeah

by Marshall Haney

for Burchard FYS178

Nature’s Classroom: The French Broad River and the Appalachian Trail

by Paloma & Alex

for Webster FYS178

Ed Lawson in: The Hysterics of Women

Television’s favorite law expert takes on a case with a “strong female lead.”

by Guinevere Thorn

for Mills FYS178

Fairy Bees

by Megan Guay and Anna Rivenbark

for Whitlock FYS178

A Creative Rewriting of *Medea*

by Caroline Lew

for Mills FYS178

Can You Ever Be Taken Out of Me?

by Jackson Anderson

for Kelly FYS178

Blues and Politics

by Zach Bezirgan

for Kelly FYS178

The Conflict between Modern Medicine and Science

by Rylee Carter

for Payne FYS178